Wednesday Academic Dialogue (2021/4)
Wednesday Scientific Weekly Dialogue No. (4)
Takafulin South Africa
Retakafuland Practical Challenges
Mr. Mahomed Akoob
Non Executive Director of Companies
Former Managing Director, Hannover Retakaful
Wednesday 20-10-2021 (14-03-1443H)
• It is estimated that Africa’s contribution to Takaful represented about 5.4% or $1.4 billion in 2020. The majority of the contribution emanates from North Africa, in particular Egypt, Sudan and Tunisia make up the bulk.
• Africa offers great opportunity with an Islamic population of 52%, or 1.3 billion. Regulations are also improving.
• With a compounded average growth rate of 11-15%, the Gross Contribution is estimated at US$ 3 billion
Last Update
10/21/2021 1:21:49 PM