Academic Achievements
The Islamic Economics Institute
was previously established as a research center. Since it was
academically promoted as a higher institute in 1433 H, it has been
working in four main areas: academic research, tuition, training and
community service. The IEI researchers usually give priority to academic
research according to the plan that has been set for the institute that
offers graduate programs only. Currently, the IEI offers only one MA
The Islamic Economics Institute accomplished the following academic
achievements in 1435/1436 H:
- Publishing eight books, four of which were issued by
international publishing houses.
- Contributing seven chapters to five books, four of which were
issued by international publishing houses.
- Having nineteen research papers accepted and published in
refereed journals.
- Having three papers published in ISI-indexed journals.
- Having ten research papers published in two special issues of
two scientific journals, one of which is ISI-indexed.
- Having eight research papers published in the Islamic Economics
Journal issued by King Abdulaziz University.
All those achievements were accomplished thanks to Allah. Only eight
faculty members affiliated with the IEI exerted great efforts to publish
all those valuable papers. Such achievements would never have been
possible without the support and encouragement of the KAU Administration
and its various sectors.

Annual Achievements
from 1431/1432 H to 1435/1436 H
Last Update
2/8/2017 11:44:55 AM