Wednesday Academic Dialogue (24-1439)

Do We Need to Review our Starting ?

Imam Al-Sarakhsi-Muhammad Ahmad

is a notable figure of Islamic History

Full Text

D. Ali Ahmed Al-Nadvi

Associate Professor, Islamic Economics Institute

King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Wednesday 28-02-2018 (12-06-1439H)


Imam Al-Sarakhsi-Muhammad Ahmad is a notable figure of Islamic History, who earned great acclaim for his book 'Al-Mabsoot', an exhaustive encyclopedia on Hanafi jurisprudence. This groundbreaking guide was dictated from memory by the author when he was imprisoned in Uzgand in Transoxania, for his denunciation of the ruler, for more than ten years. This article explores the phenomenon of Al-maqasid in 'Al-Mabsoot' laying emphasis on its applications in financial transactions.

Last Update
3/7/2018 11:17:44 PM