Wednesday Academic Dialogue (15-1439)

Do We Need to Review our Starting ?


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Dr. Hilal Musa Houssain

Islamic Development Bank (IRTI), FPDC

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Wednesday 20-12-2017 (02-04-1439H)


Currently, we are witnessing an era of technology evolution where the digital currency (a.k.a. crypto currency) and its underlying technology - the blockchain - are creating much excitement in the entire world. Almost every single institution nowadays is exploring this new era and also querying if it can help stabilizing economies .This session will introduce the concept of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology at high level. Use cases will be presented, mainly targeting financial inclusion and economic growth, in addition to highlighting on the transparency feature of blockchain, which represent the core underlying principle of all transactions in the Islamic Finance industry.

Last Update
3/7/2018 11:28:32 PM