J.KAU: Islamic Econ., Vol. 21 No. 1, pp: 1-80 Eng., pp: 1-80 Arabic (2008 A.D./1429 A.H.)


English Section

* Articles
   Ensuring Exchange Rate Stability: Is Return to Gold (Dinar) Possible?
   Zubair Hasan ………………………………………...................................……..............................................………. 3

   Islamic Marketing Ethics and Its Impact on Customer Satisfaction in the Islamic Banking Industry
   Abul Hassan, Abdelkader Chachi and Salma Abdul Latiff ……....….................................................................… 23

* Discussion Paper
   A Critique of Ibn Khaldun’s Causality Concept
   Masudul Alam Choudhury and Bayu Silvia …………...….…….…........................................................................ 43

* Discussion Forum
   The Myth of Bryson and Economic Thought in Islam
   Abdul Azim Islahi …………………………………...……...………........................................................................... 65

* Book Review
   Zubair Hasan: Introduction to Microeconomics: An Islamic Perspective
   Reviewed by: Wan Sulaiman Bin Wan Yusoff …………………..…........................................................................ 73

Arabic Section

* Articles
  Zakah on Stocks: Some Unsettled Issues
   Abdul Azim Islahi and Mohammed Obaidullah .………...…………........................................................................ 28

* Discussion Paper
   Did the contemporary Fuqaha' (Muslim Jurists) Fail to Clarify the Foundations of the
   Islamic Economic System?
   Abderrazak Said Belabes ………………………….............................……............................................................... 57

* Discussion Forum
   The Employment of Shari'ah Scholars by Businessmen
   Rafic Yunus Al-Masri ………...…………………………...…................................................................................... 66 

* Book Review
   Ezzeddine Binzaghiba: Shari'ah Objectives Related to Financial Transaction
   Reviewed by: Ahmed Mahdi Belouafi …………………….………........................................................................... 69

Last Update
2/21/2021 11:36:11 AM