من حوارات الأربعاء 1439

حوار السوربون العلمي الشهري رقم (4)

كرسي الأخلاق وضوابط التمويل

جامعة باريس 1 بانتيون وجامعة الملك عبدالعزيز

اﻟﺤﻮار الرابع

تأسيس التأمين في القانون الفرنسي

( باللغة الإنجليزية )

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د.  محيي الدين حجار (المتحدث)

كرسي الأخلاق وضوابط التمويل

جامعة باريس 1 بانتيون وجامعة الملك عبدالعزيز

الأربعاء 25 ربيع الأول 1439 هـ الموافق  13 ديسمبر 2017م


Actually, insurance is vital for individuals and for business. But the access to islamic insurance in France remains very limited given the foreign aspect of this discipline to French law. With the introduction of some Islamic insurance products to French law, the debate on the prospects of this sector in France is increasing.  Regulating insurance organizations in two separate codes, “Insurance Code” and “Mutuality Code”, the French legislator offers a wide range of legal forms to accommodate various legal philosophies behind the insurance operation. This article explores the possibilities of establishing Islamic insurance products in France by analyzing the compatibility between the principles of Islamic insurance and the structures offered by the French legislator. Special care was given to the analysis of the cooperative forms offered by the French codifications, which are still attractive to the cooperative philosophy of Islamic insurance. Then, some legal solutions will be exposed to finally conclude with a panorama of Islamic insurance products marketed in France.  

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12/10/2017 7:04:23 PM