Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
Attitudes of employees in government agencies towards the affecting factors in the implementation -A Practical Study on government agencies in Jeddah.
اتجاهات العاملين في الأجهزة الحكومية نحو العوامل المؤثرة في الإنجاز دراسة تطبيقية على بعض الأجهزة الحكومية بمحافظة جدة
Subject : Faculty of Economics and Administration 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : - This study deals with the problem of disparity of achievement in government agencies in Saudi Arabia, a practical study on government agencies in Jeddah, and we have been identified a number of assumptions which effect on the disparity of the implementation, and they are the managerial leadership, the employee performance level in these agencies and some organizational factors. - The researcher used a descriptive method (analytical) for this study, the overall society size of the study was 1846 according to the provided information from these agencies, and a random sample has been selected from these agencies with size 336, representing a 29% of the society of the study and they were from all management levels of these agencies, and i used questionnaire in the data collection of the study, and to analyze it, the researcher use the statistical methods by the statistical program (SPSS), including the descriptive statistics such as the frequencies and the percentages, the inferential statistics by variance analysis, and "T - Test". - The most of results of this study is the importance of human relations skills in administrative leadership, the role of the leadership style in the accomplishment, which was approved by 88.2% of the study sample on the first hypothesis, where the highest importance in the phrase has been achieved ((continuous communication with all employees and the shift from control to the work as a team will achieve the planned objectives)). This shows the importance of human relations skill in administrative leadership. - Including also the affecting factors on the performance and achievement, and it is the role of incentives and their effect on performance and achievement and the approval on the second hypothesis was 91.5% of the study sample, where the highest importance in the phrase has been achieved ((activation the incentives system for workers would raise the rates of their performance)) and this demonstrates the effect of incentives and their role in influencing on performance, and thus on the achievement. - Also need to simplify procedures and methods of work and the approval on the third hypothesis was 86.0% of the study sample. - And the percentage of approval of the study sample were very high to the study hypotheses, both in terms of administrative leadership, or performance or organizational factors and their effect on the achievements. And the all hypotheses of study have been proved true, and with very high rates. - The most important recommendations of the study are as follows: - – It is important to discover the young administrative leaders and rehabilitation them early to take their responsibilities in the agencies that they work, or even in other agencies. - - Work to strengthen the relationship between supervisors and subordinates, but must be an objective of the Organization, through the dissemination of social activities such as trips, sports and cultural activities, and other, and work with open-door policy to promote the constructive opinions and objective criticism, in the context of care and responsibility, and advising, discussion and dialogue which based on persuasion, justice and impartiality. - - Review the system of incentives to ensure that benefit from the positive implications in directing personnel to achieve the goals and raise the efficiency of performance. - - The need to continue the process of evaluating leaders, to depart their actual needs for training, in the light of the outcome of the results of this evaluating, and to ensure that develop the skills which required for leadership and supervision and availability to them. - - Review the systems and the procedures and relate them with the objectives assigned to achieve them, to ensure a smooth and easy flow of work and ease the pressure which was arisen from the increased pressure of work. - - Build a future vision for each administrative body raises the imagination and motivation of staff to achieve them. 
Supervisor : Dr. mohammad A. Asad 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1431 AH
2010 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, June 23, 2010 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
فيصل زابن المرزوقيALMarzouqi, Faisal ZabenResearcherMaster 


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