Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
The faith meanings of God's loving name and its effects on the individual and society, a doctrinal study
المعاني الإيمانية لاسم الله الودود وآثارها على الفرد والمجتمع دراسة عقدية
Subject : Faculty of Arts and Humanities 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : This academic thesis is titled [Meanings of Faith Attached to Allah's Name ʻAl-Wadoodʼ: Their Impacts on the Individual and Society-A creed Study]. It studies Allah’s Name ‘Al-Wadood’(The most loving), and its great meanings, whose impact is reflected on Allah’s creation and His ordinance as well as the servant’s goodness and societal cohesion, comparing this view with that of ‘Ahl-Sunnah wal-Jamaah’ (The People of Sunnah and the Community), and the view of the great scholars of ‘ Al-Mutakallimin’ among Mu’tazila, Ash’aris and Maturidiyyah. The study is divided into an introduction, a preface, two chapters, conclusion, and indexes as follows: • The Preface: is a statement on the method of ‘ Ahl-Sunnah wal-Jamaah’ and their opponents as regards Allah’s Most Beautiful Names. • Chapter One: is concerned with the meaning of Allah's Name ʻAl-Wadood’, its evidence, connotations and association with Allah's Most Beautiful Names. • Chapter Two: examines the attributes embodied in Allah's Name ʻAl-Wadoodʼ, elaborating their related impacts to Allah and as related to a servant (of Allah) as being an individual as well as being affiliated to his community. The research aims to highlight the creed of ‘Ahl-Sunnah wal-Jamaah’ as regards Allah's Name ʻAl-Wadoodʼ and to state the attributes of this name, in addition to showing the doctrines of ʻMutakalliminʼ (scholars of the science of Islamic Scholastic Theology) in this respect. It also aims to establish the Attribute of the Divine Love of Allah, the Almighty, as befits Him, showing grounds for attaining this love and signs of the servant’s attainment of it from his Lord, then attempting to deduce impacts of faith resulting from believing in this Name ʻAl-Wadoodʼ on both the individual and society, according to the inductive, descriptive and analytical method. In the end, I reached a number of results, the most important of which are the following: - No agreement between the method of ‘Ahl-Sunnah wal-Jamaah’ and that of ʻAl-Mutakalliminʼ as regards Allah's Names and Attributes. The method of ʻSalafʼ (the good predecessors) is pure, clear, and based on the Book (Quran) and Sunnah, while that of ʻAl-Mutakalliminʼ is complicated, vague and gives precedence to reason over transmission. - Allah's Name ʻAl-Wadoodʼ, according to the People of Sunnah and their opponents, is associated with the meaning of love, despite the differences among them as regards its reality. ‘Ahl-Sunnah’ prove it, as befits His Glory and Grandeur, while their opponents give an unconventional interpretation of it, though they prove its requirements. - Understanding the Name of ʻAl-Wadoodʼ and its Attributes implies several dimensions of worship, great behaviours and magnificent educational benefits that are reflected on the life of the individual and society. As for key recommendations, they are based on encouraging researchers to conduct an applied-educational study of Allah's Most Beautiful Names since this has a great impact on the individual and society. They also lie in exerting effort to refine legal religious sources and clear them from unconventional interpretations of Allah's Names and Attributes, to safeguard Muslims' belief in this respect. Key Words: (Al-Wadood – Love – Allah's Names – Allah's Attributes – Al-Mutakallimun). 
Supervisor : Dr. Asma Salem Afif 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1444 AH
2022 AD
Added Date : Tuesday, February 21, 2023 


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جمانة عمر القرموشيAl-Qarmushi, Jumana OmarResearcherMaster 


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