Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
Crusaders' Leaders Policy towards Jews, Byzantines, Armenians and Muslims During the First Crusade (489-503H / 1095-1109 G)
سياسة القادة الصليبيين تجاه اليهود والبيزنطيين والأرمن والمسلمين في الحملة الصليبية الأولى (489-503هـ / 1095-1109م)
Subject : Faculty of Arts and Humanities 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : In Western European (1095 G / 489 H), the Pope Urban II had invited to carry out a crusade campaign, explicitly aimed to seizure of Jerusalem, implicitly aimed to colonization of the East and the acquisition of its benefits, this invocation resulted in the first Crusade campaign, which was divided into both popular and the systemic campaign, the popular campaign which had no political or military experience, one of the first priorities of the popular campaign leaders was the liquidation of the Jews in Western Europe, based on a statement by the feudal leader (Godfrey de Boaion), that he would kill the nearest enemy(the Jews) before heading east, this campaign was opposed to its end in many cities that passed because people rejected their bad work, most of their leaders were eliminated before reaching the east, while the systemic campaign committed to the recommendations of the Pope, and keen to reconcile the Byzantine Emperor, and agree to conclude an agreement with him to ensure the achievement of the objectives of its leaders, when the campaign was directed towards the Islamic East, the Seljuks as the result of political and dogmatic differences, were unable to withstand the march of these masses, that succeeded in capturing Alraha and then Antakya in 1098. Despite the disputes were between the leaders of the systemic campaign about possession of what was seized, and the disputes between them and the Byzantine Emperor on the implementation of the provisions of the Convention of Constantinople in 1097, the leaders of the systemic campaign were able to take over Jerusalem in 1099, achieving what was ambitioned by the papacy, the leaders of that campaign abled to seize Tripoli in 1109, hence this campaign had seizure three cities (Alraha - Antakya - Tripoli and one Kingdom which is the Kingdom of Jerusalem), several factors had helped them to achieve these achievements, the first is betrayal by the parties that felt the tendency for the coming crusaders since they belong to the same religion and different doctrines, the second factor is due to the disagreement between the Seljuks themselves, between them and the Fatimid Shiite state that did not realize what was the identity of Crusader movement, instead of putting their hand in the hands of the Seljuk Turks, who combined a single religion, they preferred to approach the Crusaders and hold travels to share AL- Sham. They opened another bloc by taking over Jerusalem during the siege of the Crusaders campaign of Antakya, the Fatimid state did not realize the enormity of what it did until the Crusaders revealed their hidden faces and revealed to the Fatimid's that their first goal was the conquest of Jerusalem and there was no room for negotiations. The last factor in the success of the Crusaders, was commitment of the most terrible massacres in all cities they passed, in which they did not take into account old or young, male or female, did not care about doctrine or religion, Jews, Eastern Christians and Muslims had suffered from them, the reverence of leaders and assigning them to positions depends on the amount of their tyrant and blood shed, this is contrary to the text of the Bible, "Woe to the builder of a city with blood and the founder of a village in sin." Thus, the first crusade campaign was taken from religion to cover the goals of feudal leaders and to commit crimes against humanity in the name of religion, whether religious persecution, violence, killing and destruction of property, destroy of worship buildings Especially the Christians, as happened in Jerusalem. The method of implementation against oppressed people was not different from the popular campaign in the regular campaign. Both campaigns were characterized by disrespect for people or religions, although both campaigns claimed the desire to go to Jerusalem for pilgrimage. 
Supervisor : Dr. Ameerah Mustafah Ameen Yusuf 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1441 AH
2019 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, September 25, 2019 


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فوزية علي العمريAlammri, Fawziyah AliResearcherMaster 


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