Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
An illustration of the End of Abridgement (Shareh Alnihaia Fi Ikhtisar Al Gaia)
شرح النهاية في اختصار الغاية للإمام تقي الدين أبي بكر الحصني القرشي الهاشمي العلوي الحسيني (۸۲۹ه) دراسة وتحقيق من شروط الصلاة إلى نهاية كتاب الزكاة
Subject : An illustration of the End of Abridgement (Shareh Alnihaia Fi Ikhtisar Al Gaia) 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Shareh Al-Nihaia Fi Ikhtisar Al Gaia was written by Imam Taqi Aldeen , Abu Baker Al Hosni who died in 829 Hijri . The author of this book is one of the most important scholars in Alshafie Doctrine in his time. This book is a kind of an illustration of the original text which was attributed to Imam Nawawi ,the head scholar of Alshafie Doctrine. The title of original copy, which Imam Nawawi summarizes, is The End Of Abridgement (Alnihaia Fi Ikhtisar Al Gaia). In fact, the content of the book is taken originally from the original text entitled as Abu Shuja'a's Text which is considered as the most famous jurisprudential original text in Alshafie Doctrine . Al Imam Alhosni illustrates in this book the whole original text from the beginning till the end . The chapter which I studied is Prayer Condition and Donation (Zakat). I started my research indicating the reason of choosing the topic , the importance of the book and the research plan. I also wrote a biography of the original text's author Imam Abu Shuja'a and another one of Imam Nawawi who summarizes the original text . The last biography is about Imam Alhosni who explains it, May Allah bless them all . Moreover, I checked the fact of attributing the original text to Imam Nawawi and the illustration to Imam Alhosni. Then I referred to the scientific value of the book and the author's methodology . After that I put the investigated text as a server to it as I indicated in the research plan . I followed that by scientific indexes as a server to the book . This book is distinguished in its simple and easy phrase , abundant knowledge , indicating the evidence and the reason of every jurisprudential issue . I mentioned the viewpoints and sayings of the doctrine scholars, starting from the establisher of the doctrine Imam Alshafie till the age of the author stating the accepted opinions . The author may have an individual opinion which shows how knowlegable he is in Alshfie Doctrine and which shows how accurate he is especially in dealing with the issues of his society in a objective way. All Praise and Thanks Be to Allah . 
Supervisor : هاني عبدالشكور 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1435 AH
2014 AD
Number Of Pages : 9 
Added Date : Sunday, July 28, 2019 


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أحمد خالد العطاسAL Attas, Ahmed KhalidInvestigatorMaster 


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