Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
Adequate Explanation for Denominations and Sects a book written by Imam Al-mahdi Ahmed bin yahya bin Al-murtadah Al-Zaidi, died in (840H) From the start of the book to the beginning of the Chapter of Mu'tazilah and their Strata
كتاب "المُنْيَة والأمل في شرح كتاب المِلَل والنِّحَل" للإمام المهدي لدين الله أحمد بن يحيى بن المرتضى الزيديّ المتوفى سنة (840هـ) من أول الكتاب إلى بداية باب ذكر المعتزلة وطبقاتهم ((دراسة وتحقيقًا))
Subject : Adequate Explanation for Denominations and Sects a book written by Imam Al-mahdi Ahmed bin yahya bin Al-murtadah Al-Zaidi, died in (840H) From the start of the book to the beginning of the Chapter of Mu'tazilah and their Strata 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The thesis tackled "The Wish & Hope for Explanation of Doctrines & Religions" for Ahmed bin Yahia Almortada Al-Zaidi (died-840H); study and investigation. The book is considered one of the important books discussing the doctrines of Zaidis. The researcher used the historical and analytical method to investigate the book. The study consisted of an introduction, preamble, two sections, and conclusion. The introduction dealt with the importance of the book, reasons for selection, reasons for reinvestigating it, the study plan, and instigation method. The preamble discussed the importance of studying doctrines and religions, the previous literatures, and scholars' method to order their writings. The first section included the objective study of the book and author which came in two chapters: the first chapter discussed the introduction of the author in terms of his age, personal life, career, and political opinions. The second chapter introduced the book and its printed and handwritten copies. The second section was allocated to the investigated text; from the first of the book to Mu'tazilah & Classification. Then, a conclusion consisted of the most important results of the study and investigation and certain recommendations. The results included: the book is considered a good reference in its field; the author who is alleged to belong to Zaidi Shia appeared to adapt and praise the Mu'tazili though; the author did not convey a true picture of Ahlu Sunna doctrine. The recommendations included: the necessity to pay attention to Yemeni Islamic heritage in study, investigation, review, and criticism; benefitting from academic and cultural institutions which facilitated many methods for researcher using modern technology; the importance of taking Yemeni Zaidi authors and scholars and classifying them with regard to Ahlu Sunna doctrine. At last, the thesis was annexed with different indexes in order to show and facilitate reaching contents. 
Supervisor : Mohammad Abdullah Al- Halawani 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1434 AH
2015 AD
Number Of Pages : 392 
Added Date : Friday, July 26, 2019 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
مها محمد باوزيرBawazeer, Maha MohammedInvestigatorMaster 


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