Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
Comparison of the Short-Term Effects of Different Palatal Expanders Using CBCT
مقارنة تأثير الموسعات الحنكية المختلفة على المدى القصير باستخدام التصوير المقطعي للشعاع المخروطي
Subject : Faculty of Dentistry 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Introduction: Rapid palatal expansion (RPE) is used for multiple purposes mainly to correct upper arch width deficiency and eliminate posterior cross bite. Its idea is about applying heavy force on the teeth that would open the mid-palatal suture. RPE is presented in numerous designs, the most commonly used are tooth-anchored (TA-RPE) type and tooth-tissue-anchored (TTA-RPE) type. Bone anchored (BA) RPE supported by temporary anchorage devices (TAD) have been used as an alternative to conventional RPE appliances. Controversies exist on which one is the most effective in term of skeletal expansion and in minimizing dental tipping. The design of this study is to assess and to compare the short-term effects of different palatal expanders (TTA-RPE, TA-RPE and BA-RPE) on the amount of palatal expansion and buccal tipping of posterior teeth. Methods: Thirty-two adolescents (17 female and 15 male) were randomly assigned into one of three groups to receive RPE as part of their overall orthodontic treatment. The 1st group involved 11 patients (with mean age 12.6 years, 6 male and 5 female) were treated by TA-RPE, the 2nd group comprised of 10 patients (with mean age 13.4 years, 5 male and 5 female) received TTA-RPE, and the 3rd group consisted of 11 patients (with mean age 14.5 years, 4 male and 7 female) were treated using BA-RPE. Before treatment (T1) and after three months of retention (T2) cone beam computed tomography scans of the maxilla were obtained for each patient. Results: After expansion all three appliances opened the mid-palatal suture and produced significant short-term increases in all skeletal and dental transverse and angular measurements, except dental angular measurements of BA-RPE group showed no significant changes at T2. TA-RPE group had significantly the greatest coronal dental expansion at 1st molars and 1st premolars levels followed by TTA-RPE then BA-RPE group. All the groups showed statistically insignificant differences in the apical dental expansion, nasal floor width and distance from right to left lateral pterygoid plates. On the other hand, TA-RPE had significantly greater amount of posterior maxillary expansion, suture width and divergence of suture opening. BA-RPE and TTA-RPE had more parallel suture opening pattern than TA-RPE. BA-RPE had significantly the least amount of skeletal bending at the 1st molars level amongst all the groups. Additionally, BA-RPE showed significantly less posterior dental tipping and bone bending at 1st premolars level than TTA-RPE, but TA-RPE showed insignificant difference to both groups in the dental tipping and 1st premolars bone bending. Conclusion: Maxillary and nasal floor widths showed significant increases for all the groups. Conventional appliances had better dental coronal expansion but with more buccal rolling and dental tipping than BA-RPE. 
Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Ali Habib 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1440 AH
2019 AD
Co-Supervisor : Dr. Reem Alansari 
Added Date : Sunday, May 5, 2019 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
نجلاء احمد الهمدانيAlhamdani, Najla AhmedResearcherMaster 


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