Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
السخرية في شعر حسان بن ثابت- رضي الله عنه - دراسة فنية موضوعية
Subject : Faculty of Arts & Humanities 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The research aims to enrich the irony subject in literary field as research in this area is little relatively and irony is an independent literary art that deserve study. The study dealt with iron in Hassan Bin Thabit's (May Allah be pleased with him) poetry in before and after Islam, its styles used, and the relation to satirize purposes. It also revealed the things the poet mocked at, and the extent of Islam and Quran effect on his satirizing poetic lines. The research came in an introduction, preamble, and three chapters. The introduction discussed the study importance and reasons for choosing it. The preamble introduced Hassan Bin Thabi's (May Allah be pleased with him) name, parentage, life, death, pre-Islamic and Islamic period poetry. Chapter one dealt with irony concept and compared it to similar idioms, aims, and methods. Chapter two describedwhat Hassan Bin Thabit's (May Allah be pleased with him) mocked at including social, physical, and moral features as well as showing the styles used by Hassan in his irony. Chapter three tackled the artistic profile, highlighted the aesthetics of similarity, metaphor, and metonymy in his lines and expressing the influence of Islam and the Holy Quran in Hassan's poetry. The study concluded that most Hassan's irony satirizing poetry includes irony as his tool and weapon through which he fought the enemies of Allah of his age's poets. So, Allah's prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) supported him. The study revealed that the Holy Quran grants the text beauty and strength in style; as the writer is affected with its eloquence, methods, styles, meanings, and words. The research recommended that the study of irony among poets of satirizing in any age is a point of study and explanation. In addition, it is recommended study irony in Saudi literature in prose and poetry. 
Supervisor : Prof. Abdulhakim Bin Rashed Alshubromi 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1439 AH
2017 AD
Added Date : Thursday, November 16, 2017 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
بندر أحمد الحربيAlharbi, Bandar AhmedResearcherMaster 


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