Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
“Issues on Theologies, Prophethoods, and Auditory Transmissions as Viewed by Contemporary Quranists”
مسائل الإلهيَّات والنُّبوَّات والسَّمعيَّات عند القرآنيِّين المعاصرين دراسة نقديَّة في ضوء عقيدة أهل السُّنَّة والجماعة
Subject : Faculty of Arts & Humanities 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : study in the light of the creed of the people of the Sunnah and the Community. It deals with the belief of the Quranists (Quraniyeen) in theologies, prophethoods and auditory transmissions (of established religious matters). It emphasizes the necessity of adopting the prophetic tradition (Sunnah) for the sound understanding of the Noble Quran. The research states the doubts raised by the Quranists as regards creed issues, and the answers to them. It comprises an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and indexes. Chapter One: The Quranists: their reality and their method. It includes two sections. Section One: The definition of Quranists, their rise and prominent characteristics. It deals with this definition, and to what extent it is correct to call them as such, their rise, their techniques and prominent characteristics. Section Two: The Quranists’ stand on the two basic sources of the religion. It deals with their stand on the Quran and Sunnah. Chapter Two: An applied study on creed issues. It includes three sections. Section One: Issues on theologies. It deals with the Quranists' stance towards polytheism, Allah's self and action Attributes, and the Question of seeing Him in the Hereafter. Section Two: Issues on Prophethoods. It deals with the viewpoint of the Quranists on the Prophet's infallibility, prophethood, message, miracles, and his superiority over all prophets. It also deals with their standpoint on the Sunnah as being a source of religion and a divine revelation, in addition to dealing with their stance on the isolated tradition. Section Three: It tackles the issue of auditory transmissions (of established religious matters). It deals with the Quranists' opinion on the grave punishment, the portents of the Judgement Day, and Prophet Muhammad's intercession. The Conclusion: It contains all the results and recommendations. The method adopted is the critical inductive one. At the beginning of each topic, a general summary of the creed of the people of the Sunnah, then the Quranists' doubts are given, followed by a criticism of these doubts and the answers to them. Among the most important results of the research are: * Stating that the foundation of the Quranists' misguidance is the claim that the Quran is the only source of the Islamic religion. Based on this claim, the Noble Quran is separated from the Sunnah, and Allah's words are distorted and interpreted according to their desires. Besides, their affiliation to Islam is a sheer lie, as this paper has uncovered their ignorance of Islam, its objectives and its meanings. Finally, there is a recommendation for glorifying the Prophetic Sunnah, emphasizing its status and its being a source of the Islamic legislation, in addition to its great status before Allah, Exalted be He. 
Supervisor : Dr. Mohamed Abdel Rahman Habanka 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1438 AH
2017 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, May 31, 2017 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
بنان محمَّد البارAlbar, Banan MohamedResearcherMaster 


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