Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
Arabic vowels in Ibn Jinni's studies a descriptive study
الصوائت العربية عند ابن جني دراسة وصفية
Subject : Faculty of Arts - Department of Arabic Language 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : This research minutely deals with the views of Ibn Jinni concerning the Arabic vowels, in accordance with a descriptive approach. This research aims at highlighting the views of Ibn Jinni in regards to the Arabic vowels and linking them in order to identify the sound rules relating to the vowels according to the view of Ibn Jinni through a systematic and objective perspective of the study of the Arabic vowels that relies on the modern linguistic facts in the area of the Arabic sounds. The research was divided into an Introduction, three chapters and a conclusion. In the introduction, I deal with two topics, the first focuses on introducing Ibn Jinni and a summary of his efforts in the area of Phonetics and Phonology. The second chapter is a classification of the Arabic sounds into consonants and vowels and here I deal with the most important foundations that distinguish them. The first chapter entitled: the Arabic vowels and their characteristics for Ibn Jinni and it contains five investigations. I deal in the first of them with the notion of the term for Ibn Jinni and the terms that he used. In the second investigation, I deal with the characteristics of the Arabic vowels and their articulations. In the third, the classification of the vowels where I discuss the classifications of the vowels for Ibn Jinni and in the fourth investigation, the classes of vowels, I explain how Ibn Jinni had differentiated the voiceless and the voiced /u/ and /i/. In the fifth investigation, the sounds similar in their pronunciation to vowels, this shows some voiceless sounds that Ibn Jinni stated their similarity to vowels. The second chapter was entitled: the sound formation of the Arabic vowels for Ibn Jinni and it contains three investigations. In the first investigation, the phonology of the vowels, I deal with the concept of phoneme for Ibn Jinni and the fundamental and subsidiary vowels. The second investigation is entitled The Relationship between the Vowels and the Consonants, in which I talked about the most important perceptions of the short vowels for Ibn Jinni from which he started addressing their issues regarding the sound formation processes, most important of which is the position of the short voiced sound in regard with the voiceless one and the position of the voiced sound in regard with the long voiceless, and the issue of the voicelessness of the voiced sounds. In the third investigation, entitled as: The Sound Section, I initially talked about the role of the voiced sounds in the Arabic segments, and then I dealt with two topics that related to the Arabic segments for Ibn Jinni and they are: Starting with the voiced and the combination of two voiceless sounds. As for the third chapter, it was entitled: the sound phenomenae of the Arabic vowels for Ibn Jinni. In this chapter, I deal with the most important of those sound phenomena relating to the vowels in five investigations. In the first one, I discussed the similarity among the vowels, in the second; I talked about the mitigation through the shortening of the vowels or omitting them. As far as the third investigation is concerned, I talked about the lengthening of the sound with the vowels and the sound reasons of them. Regarding the fourth investigation, I highlighted the phenomenon of the fateh with the gutturals. The fifth is about the transformation of Hamza into a long voiceless sound for mitigation. In the conclusion, I mentioned the most prominent results that the research reached. This includes: the full cognition of Ibn Jinni of the physiological of the Arabic voiced sounds and distinguishing them from the consonants on the one hand and distinguishing the voiced sounds themselves on the other hand, as well as his complete recognition of the differences between the short voiced sounds and the long voiced sounds. This difference lies in the amount of voice, nothing more. Ibn Jinni could also categorize the Arabic voiced sounds into many classes. He also could differentiate between the essential voiced sounds and their various ways of pronouncing them, which are called the subsidiary voiced sounds. 
Supervisor : Dr. Radwan Menaisi Abdu'Allah 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1434 AH
2013 AD
Added Date : Saturday, June 15, 2013 


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فيصل أحمد الحميديAl Homaidi, Faisal AhmedResearcherMaster 


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