Document Details

Document Type : Article In Journal 
Document Title :
The Attitudes of Occupants of Leading and Supervisory Positions towards the Replacement Policy and its Affecting Factors on the Public Sector in Kuwait
اتجاهات شاغلي الوظائف القيادية والإشرافية نحو سياسة الإحلال والعوامل المؤثرة فيها في القطاع الحكومي بدولة الكويت
Subject : Public Administration 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : This study aims at recognizing the attitudes of the occupants of leading and supervisory positions towards the replacement policy and its affecting factors in the public sector in Kuwait. To achieve this objective a questionnaire was designed and distributed to 130 employees in order to acquire their opinions and attitudes towards the implementation of the replacement policy. The results of the study indicated that the implementation of replacement policy is carried out rescrictively, because of the failure of employment policy in the public sector, further inconsisteny between the outcomes of education and the requirements of labor market. According to these results, the study suggested and recommended ways that will appropriately activate the replacement policy. 
ISSN : 1319-0997 
Journal Name : Economics and Administration Journal 
Volume : 15 
Issue Number : 1 
Publishing Year : 1422 AH
2001 AD
Article Type : Article 
Added Date : Sunday, October 11, 2009 


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عوض خلف العنزي AWADH KHALAF AL-ENAZIResearcher  


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